Thursday, March 22, 2012

Alcatel-Lucent has certified his station for Mobile WiMAX

Alcatel-Lucent announced that its WiMAX base station 802. 16e Compact Base Station, operating in the 2.5 GHz band, received the certificate of WiMAX Forum Certified WiMAX Forum.
All aspects of the product portfolio of Alcatel-Lucent's WiMAX infrastructure is fully compatible with standard 802. 16e -2005 ( also known as Rev-e), which supports services to fixed and mobile communications session-. Accelerate the appearance of the Terminal program helps Alcatel-Lucent ...
This milestone also marked the first step toward certification of all portfolio Alcatel-Lucent WiMAX, which are offered for other bands and has operated in several networks around the world, including commercial network in Europe, Asia and Latin America. According to forecasts of Alcatel-Lucent, the equipment for 3.5 GHz band should get a certificate of WiMAX Forum Certified by the end of 2008.
Source:. ITnews.

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