Tuesday, May 8, 2012

To live well in the UK?

Glasgow - this is not England, it's - Scotland (' No, not Rio de Janeiro - is much more '). And feel what you're not in England, namely, in Scotland, it's easy. My friends in London to discover that the fate of ' abandoned ' I was in Glasgow, as soon as I was warned: look, do not ' Catch ' Scottish accent. In fact, the accent is very strong, prilipuchy, on hearing he was a bit like German ( probably because of the sound 'r' and less diftongoidnosti vowel sounds ), but with all that he and original, and enjoyable.

Men in skirts - the main stereotype - really walk on the streets: the national symbols of Scotland held in high esteem. But we can not say that all men all the time dressed only in this way. But those folk who wear clothes, wear it with pride. Actually, probably the first thing that catches your eye ( and not in the ears) in Scotland - is that people tend to dress up very easily on our concepts. Already in the morning beginning to freeze in October, and students continued to walk in shorts, shirts and light jackets. Adults, too, is not excessively warmed up to now (and now in December outside the window ) can often be found on the streets of people wearing T-shirts with short sleeves or very light sweaters and pullovers. Clerks, if at lunchtime to the streets, and they go out to eat in a pub or cafe itself is nothing special, and do not put on or just walk around in white shirts with ties, or, in extreme cases, put on jackets. But that dress clerks not only in Scotland but in London, Manchester and t. Dr..

The second stereotype - that all the redheads in Scotland - to the surprise turned out to be quite reasonable: red a lot in Scotland, especially among children (maybe with the age of fiery red hair with the local climate, some dim and dark?). The third stereotype - that Scotland - a mountainous country - needs no confirmation, no denial. But the Glasgow and Edinburgh ( the capital ) - are 'on the seven hills ', which makes them similar to Rome and Kiev. Although in contrast to Rome is not all roads lead to Glasgow.

The main public transportation in the city - buses - typical double-decker buses, such as in Lodnone and in any other city in the UK. There is in Glasgow and the subway - a circular line, which does not compare with cobwebs London Underground ' tube '.

Glasgow, like London, is very international, but if in the capital, including foreign tourists occupy a large place, in Scotland in Glasgow - students. In addition, the city is home to many Indians and Pakistanis, whose core business - small business and service.

University of Glasgow (chief - because in three large university) located on top of a hill, and from the main building offers fantastic views of the beautiful old part of town, located at the foot of the hill. The architecture prevails, of course, Gothic, pointed up and ambitions.

University (judging by the sales documentation ) was founded in 1451 and is the second (by age ), the University of Scotland and the fourth in the UK (after Cambridge, Oxford and St Andrews ). Currently, the walls of this prestigious university trained 15,000 students in full-time and 3,000 part-time at 120 academic departments in the eight faculties: Arts, Theological, Legal, Financial, Medical, Science, Engineering, Social Sciences and the Veterinary. All departments (except Veterinary ) located in the main campus. According to statistics from the University of Glasgow students from 86 countries ( including from the Russian Tyumen ), and the Scots among the students - 45%.

Annual income from the university scientific research and development exceeds £ 40 million with an annual budget of more than 170 million pounds. Teaching staff (including scientists ) exceeds 5,000. Among the departments that have received assessment of 'excellent ' in recent years include: The Chemistry, Physics, Programming, Geography and Geology.

Young people in Britain, as in other Western countries, prefer to study at university is not in the cities where they were born and raised. Here at Glasgow University at the Faculty of Arts can meet students from London, Manchester, Bristol, Edinburgh, Sheffield and m. Dr.. Live ' nonresident ' students in comfortable dormitories, located within walking distance. Among the students of Russian language, is Scottish, English, Irish, French, Japanese, Spaniards, Canadians and Americans. Age - 19 to 70-75 years, with students ' age ' is not much worse than their younger colleagues and fellow practitioners, and some - what's ahead of them and. Students from other countries studying in the UK attracts not only recognized the high level of education, but also an opportunity to bring up thoroughly, and for some people and just learn the English language. For ' anglonegovoryaschih ' students organized special courses and extra classes for different levels of English as a Foreign Language. The need for such courses is so great that the city has a large number of evening courses for housewives and foreign workers coming here for training, research, etc. Dr..

Now a few words about how and what are university teachers in their work and time poslerabochee. It is difficult to start with a ' first ' because of ' first ' a lot, but still.

First, all teachers have the keys to the building department, which gives them the opportunity to come here at any time, day or night, by the way, many are quite active and. And if the student school day begins at 9:00 and ends at 17:00 on weekdays, the teacher can be seen in their ' native walls ', and on Saturdays and Sundays, and at night. Language laboratories and computer labs open for students on weekdays and 21:00 and on Saturdays until 14:00 pm, teachers can also use them around the clock. And enjoy. If only because they can look at satellite offices ( Russia - ORT, Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Japan, Portugal, Mexico, etc. Dr.. taken in color, and regularly posted weekly television program, so that you can order almost any video software). Video Library of the Slavic Department has more than 500 videotapes recorded from television over the past 5 years. And all done with a strict observance of copyright as video duplication, and to copy books, articles, tutorials, and t. Dr..

Secondly, all staff and students of the university have their own 'address' e-mail, which immediately opens up for all horizons. All computers are online, and you're not leaving your Mac or PC can read the screen information from Russia, America, Japan, etc. Dr.. And Macs have the generation that lets you work with a PC -based programs than most and are very active. For ' outsiders ' as soon as courses are organized ' literacy ' in such a way that even in the early hours of a person could sit at the computer and start working. By the way, computer networks Studeny looking for not only dating, but also work, business contacts, get information about conferences, journals etc. Dr.. And very often in advertising firms and various institutions did not indicate mailing address and e-mail.

Yes, two words should be said about the mail in the UK. This, too, and a stereotype ( that mail is working like a clock ), and the attraction. The British are proud of their legitimate Royal Mail, considering it is not without reason, one of the most efficient in the world. Excavation of red letters mailboxes (which are on the streets of all cities are located within sight of each other ) begins very early in the morning and ends around 17:00 approximately, where - as with every such box has a schedule of excavation of content that is observed with great . There are places where the letters are taken, and after 17:00, as reported in addition. Letter from Glasgow to London is less than a day (he checked ). From Glasgow to Spain and France - 3-4 days. There have been times when my letters to Peter reached within 6-7 days. But Scotland has recently had to endure, and postal strike that lasted more than a week. And then the paper maelstrom was paralyzed completely: invoices and receipts for payment, letters of invitation, advertisement ' trash ' - all this kopilos tons of post offices. It's been two weeks after the strike is ' successfully resolved ', and the postal service is still not dismantled their accumulated ' reserves ', and old (or older ) letters continue to come.

In addition to ' electronic services ' University allows its employees to use the copying machines, laser printer, telephone, fax. All this to work, naturally. Each floor has its own refrigerator, sink, dishes and even a stove burner for two (for night owls ).

The University has several sports centers, two of dnih located directly on campus. Anyone who has access to the chapel, and this staff with children, and students have the opportunity to swim in the pool, play squash, badminton, football, sweating in a sauna, gym and swing on t. Dr.. And you can not come within the allotted time, you, and when it is convenient. In short, if you're employee of the university, then you should be living well.

I'll start with the unconventional: smoking in the university has not yet been banned completely, but with a beer - a little easier - if you want - drink, do not want - do not drink. Faculties, perhaps, if alcohol is consumed, it imperceptibly, but in the cafes and pubs - please. But drunk or visibly drunk students, I have never seen. In the dorms do not have prohibition, the party followed one by one: noisy, crowded and booze. But without the outrageous (at least - explicit). Even on television advertising of all kinds of drinks (mostly, of course, beer and whiskey) prominently. Speaking of advertising, too, I must say a few words.

As advertised on TV? . perfumes. insurance. cars. alcohol. Trips. appliances. clothes. Movies and TV shows, of course. Computers and Communications. Latest audio and video hits. Two channels (a total of 4 now ) run without commercials, the other two - with advertising: a colorful, largely original, and all that aggressive and intrusive. His eyes had seen after the start of an artificial second ( current ) wave of Beatlemania people were bought up in record stores last opus ' on the Beatles ' - ' Free as a bird '. Mincer propaganda works 200%: first, brainwashed, and then put a blank space in the ' message ', ' signal', and then show the crowd, eager to get the same thing and be the first among the ' lucky ones '. But how to do everything a professional. And the people running herds to buy, play the lottery, win prizes, written, recorded, observed. Once you're somewhere registriruesh your address, then it immediately begin to send by e-mail tons of brochures and proposals. And now a little about the student loans.

Education in Britain itself, free of charge for the British and paid to foreigners. But learning as much about the costs that we have to borrow. And there are different banks behave differently. In Scotland, for example, customers, students practically monopolized the Clyde -bank. And he did it very simply: just opened branches on campus in the most crowded places. Students - people are risky (even in a financial sense), the bank, of course, take into account the degree of personal risk, so it does not pay interest on deposits, but not taking with you for the operation of additional amounts of money. Do you want a loan - receive only fill in some forms. After this the students for many years to become the debtors of the bank. And to repay the money does not necessarily immediately, it is possible, and after graduation, when you're on foot, but the later you will pay, so, naturally, more. A ticket from London to New York costs from £ 99 (there and back, of course). By bus from London to Warsaw and back can be rolled over £ 60. In Japan - for £ 300. Given that the citizens of Great Britain in civilized countries a visa is not needed. And the student goes, flies, swims jamb to France, Germany, America, Czech Republic, Canada and t. Dr.. The money taken in loans. Pay for loans - and then, but you travel - today. Now a few words should be said about the students actually studying the Russian language.

The first question my application (' Why did you choose Russian? ') Has caused some confusion, others forced to think hard, and the third reminded of their ' historical roots '. The most common responses were:.

- I have chosen ( selected ) Russian, because I was interested in the books of Dostoevsky ( Russian writer ) and I want to ( want to ) read them in Russian.
- I am interested in history and culture of the Soviet Union and Russia.
- This is a rare language, so I can find a job with the Russian language. This is advantageous.
- I wanted to go to the Soviet Union ( Russia).
- I lead the group in the arctic part of Russia.
- French and German, I have studied, and now I want something new.
- I have a grandmother - Russian. ,.
- Just love it.
- I wanted to do something extraordinary.
- The fate of. My friend visited Moscow and just fell in love with her. When she returned to London, she just infected me with your love.

The second question was: What were your expectations when you came to the University of Glasgow?.
- For me, the university was the only option after high school, otherwise I would have just stayed home and did not do anything to.
- Get a university degree.
- To know the life. Find Friends. To know myself what I want out of life.
- I know something deeply and to go abroad.
- Learn to speak well in Russian and understand literature.
- Learn! .
- Improve my English (! ), Especially in writing, to engage in a variety of things ( sports, social work ) and, of course, find friends and like-minded.
- To plunge into Russia and to know what UNIVER.
- Find a kindred soul, listen to intelligent conversation, a change of scenery.

What are your expectations now?.
- Continue and develop ties with Russia.
- Conduct a year in Russia!.
- Well exams.
- Disappointment. Education in Glasgow, I think the old-fashioned.
- Continue to learn Russian and find a decent job.
- I want to better understand and deal in Russian politics, especially in the post- Soviet period.
- Five years of study - way too much! . But we need it?.

Who would you like to be until after graduation?.
- A writer!.
- Teacher of Russian Language and medieval history.
- Translator.
- Do not know ( not know ).
- Traveller.
- Businessman.
- Diplomat.
- cameraman.
- A journalist or a lawyer.

Who do you want to be now?.
- Father.
- Mother.
- Instructor of Russian and French.
- There are many ideas, but who to be? .
- Businessman.
- Diplomat.
- I want to work in Eastern Europe in an organization, or green on Human Rights.
- Fellowship.
- Translator.
- Journalist.
- Choose a profession - it would be great! .
- To work in a place where you can travel a lot.

What gave you the privileges of student status and what you ( the student ) do you use?.
- Computers, library, satellite TV from Russia, Poland and other countries, videos, Russian newspapers and magazines.
- Discounts at movie theaters, stores and tickets.
- Swimming pool and sports center.
- Grants.
- Cheap drinks, good friends, great room and a diploma in the end.
- Wide choice of interest.
- Scholarship.
- Student and youth groups and unions.
- Reduced taxes, cheap beer.
- No need to make a living. There is free time to spend it with those who are interested in you. You can choose your friends: a great choice. Vacation to relax and to change the situation. 5 years to fill the head of information, to learn, meet interesting people in the area that interests me.

What are you waiting ( waiting ) on your trip to Russia for training?.
- Language! .
- Meet with Russian. Learn more about Russia and its culture.
- To adapt to a new culture and environment.
- Establish contacts.
- Know how to live Russian and try it myself.

Permanent address.

News from Skypecine. com.

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