Thursday, June 7, 2012

' Give us, fair and transparent local operator reyntingov ECM technology! '

I want to say, that I personally believe that the answer to the question of the extent to which needed research has not received. Note - not just an abstract ' needs or not ', and ' the extent to which '. T. e. how much money consumers are willing to pay the potential of such ' research products ' for the goods. While we have obtained so - ' I want a Mercedes, but the Free '.

Actually, I've come back to question 3 in my first post on this topic:.
'3. If you are not satisfied, why no one does anything to improve this level of quality to be? '.

I will try to reformulate the way:.
What can I do to make the necessary market research come from? .

Yet back to the question ' needs - no - need '. We live in a market. If there is a demand, make sure you will be prompted. If the proposals do not, it means that there is no real demand.

As the poet wrote 'if the stars are lit If the stars are lit - it means - is someone who needs ' (true, Mayakovsky, this phrase as a question ). Accordingly, if you do not light up, then do not need it to anyone:-).

By the way, the most accurate and sincere (and what is there skrytvat, it 's obvious ) answer to the question ' why do we need research ' gave Constantine. Yet this is the position of Western representation (and very, very large ) vendor. And the local development needs are somewhat different. For example, ' IT ', judging by the comments, not more interested in market share and trends in customer requirements.

So the question is:.
How can we make in life call for Constantine?.
And whether it is still doing this?.
After all, we live without ' honest and transparent '.

By the way, here's a question:.
Will a quality analyst market development?.

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