Sunday, April 29, 2012

I want to change the attitude to entrepreneurs in the Russian Federation

Oleg Tinkoff. to the question ' Why do you blog? ' . I want to change the attitude towards entrepreneurs, because thanks to some. m moron, entrepreneurs have to put it mildly, a negative attitude. I'm not interested in the ratio of old people - it is clear that it does not change, but when young people think that entrepreneurs - it is thieves and dishonest people, then it is bad. And who, if not, I will convey to the people that thought that we, entrepreneurs, just like you. In general, I want to rehabilitate the image of the entrepreneur in Russia. And I hope my blog is worse, I will not do. '.

Blog Tinkova. I read recently, and its. rss. already firmly entrenched in my. rss. - reader on the iPhone and MacBook. He writes emotionally alive, bored with periodic narrative about the history of the development of their business and projects himself as an entrepreneur. And if Oleg does not throw your LJ and will continue as an open and somehow humane post office, and communicate in kammenty, then change the image of and attitude towards entrepreneurs had to turn out, at least for the audience to Learn.

By the way, I noticed that similar in approach to business, stand out from the usual gray business entrepreneurs like mass: Tinkoff, Chichvarkin, Richard Brendsona, just run their blogs and Learn. Before ever read Yevgeny Chichvarkin, unfortunately the last time he was not conducted on any of the blog sites.

Blogs, what do you know the well-known businessmen and read? .

Interview about the ' features of business in Finland ' is only in the text t. to. because of the strong and unpleasant noise artifact from 10 minutes to listen to it in audio format unpleasant - so sorry. :-(.

Transfer to a text version of my wife is engaged in. Alexander. She has good experience of similar work m. to. organizes and conducts market research, which also use the recorder records. In the transcript has already been spent 7 hours and it 's not the end, then be my copyright and editorial revision of words parasite and retreats from the subject and Tuesday - Wednesday ( t. e. prior to his departure for the trip ), I plan to publish. So soon you look at how easy it is to open a business in Finland.

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